[heading subtitle=”Saturday 30th May 2020″] [/heading]
[heading subtitle=”START TEENS` RACE 10:00 AM”] [/heading]
[image_with_animation animation=”Fade In” image_url=”https://bucuresti10km.ro/media/cursa_adolescentilor_ENGLEZA.jpg” delay=””] [/image_with_animation]
[image_with_animation animation=”Fade In” image_url=”https://bucuresti10km.ro/media/10k_2018_3.5k_1.5k_ENGLEZA.jpg” delay=””] [/image_with_animation]
[tabbed_section] [tab title=”SPECIAL RULES TEEN`S RACE” id=”t1″] – Registration of minors is based on their birth certificate (copy) and a medical certificate attesting that they are fit for physical effort.
– The race is dedicated to teenagers between the ages of 13 and 19.
– Children will run by themselves, without their parent or tutor / adult, except for children with disabilities.
– At registration and race kit pick-up, all children will be accompanied by an adult – parent or tutor, who will sign the personal declaration of responsibility.
– Winners must present their birth certificate in order to receive their prize.
– The organizers shall not keep any personal documents (birth certificates, ID cards etc.), but only check them and return them immediately to their holders.
– The organizers may ask for any other document or additional declaration, if necessary.
[/tab] [/tabbed_section]
[heading subtitle=””]FREE REGISTRATION [/heading]
[image_with_animation animation=”Fade In” image_url=”https://bucuresti10km.ro/media/continut_kit_cursa_adolescentilor_ENGLEZA.jpg” delay=””] [/image_with_animation]