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Relay race 5k+5k

[heading subtitle=”START RELAY- 19:30 PM”] [/heading]
[image_with_animation animation=”Fade In” image_url=”” delay=””] [/image_with_animation]
[image_with_animation animation=”Fade In” image_url=”” delay=””] [/image_with_animation]
[tabbed_section] [tab title=”MAKING UP THE TEAM” id=”t1″] The team participating in the Relay race must be made up of two members, each of them running only one leg of the relay, in the order of registration. No member of the relay team will be allowed to participate in any other EVENT race. Only teams that comply with these rules will have their results recorded in the competition and will be included in the official ranking. [/tab] [tab title=”CHANGING THE TEAM” id=”t2″] If the members of a team do not run in the order of registration or use in their team less than two members and/or one of its members runs more than one leg of the relay, the results of that team will be considered outside of competition (hors concours). In this case, the results achieved by such teams will be posted and marked HC and will not be included in the official ranking of the competition. If one or several team members do not participate and one or two team members will cover more than one leg of the relay, it is mandatory to notify the Organizer and indicate the missing person / persons no later than at the start of the race. If a team participates without notifying the Organizer within the aforesaid deadline, that team will be disqualified and its members may be denied registration and participation in any of the Organizer’s future competitions.

If one member of a registered team will not be able to participate for exceptional reasons that are notified to the Organizer, that member can be replaced no later than 72 hours before the start, subject to payment of an additional fee of EUR 10 (payable in lei at the BNR exchange rate on payment day) for each person being replaced.
The Organizer can assess at its discretion, before or within 30 days from the end of the race, the reasons leading to the replacement of team members and reject them as not being exceptional. In this case, the results of that team will be considered outside of competition (hors concours). In this case, the results achieved by such teams will be posted and marked HC and will not be included in the official ranking of the competition. If a team wants to participate with members other than the previously announced ones, but cannot observe the 72-hour deadline and/or cannot invoke exceptional reasons, it can still participate in the race subject to payment of an additional fee of EUR 10 (payable in lei at the BNR exchange rate on payment day, the payment to be made before the race) for each person being replaced. In this case, the limit of 2 replaced team members does not apply, and the results of that team will be considered outside of competition (hors concours) and will be posted and marked HC, without being included in the official ranking of the competition.

[/tab] [tab title=”MISSING TEAM MEMBERS” id=”t3″] Apart from the aforesaid method, the participation of other persons than those registered for the race is forbidden. At any time, the Organizer has the right to ask the persons who participate or participated in the race to identify themselves. The participants’ refusal to provide the identification elements results in their disqualification and allows the Organizer to refuse their registration and participation in any of its future competitions. If the Organizer notices that the person participating in the race is not the person who has registered, this one can, at its discretion, prevent that person from participating in the race and/or disqualify them and/or refuse their registration and participation in any of its future competitions. The team who has replaced one or several members without observing the provisions mentioned in this chapter will be disqualified and its members may be denied registration and participation in any of the Organizer’s future competitions.
[/tab] [/tabbed_section]

[pricing_table columns=”5″]

[pricing_column title=”Entry Fee #1″ highlight=”false” highlight_reason=”” color=”extra-color-1″ price=”30″ currency_symbol=”€” interval=”” ]

  • FROM 01/06/2019
  • UNTIL 31/12/2019


[pricing_column title=”Entry Fee #2″ price=”40″ currency_symbol=”€” interval=””]

  • FROM 01/01/2020
  • UNTIL 31/03/2020


[pricing_column title=”Sport Expo” price=”50″ currency_symbol=”€” interval=””]

  • FROM 01/04/2020
  • UNTIL 29/05/2020


[button open_new_tab=”true” color=”Accent-Color” size=”large” url=”” text=”Register”]
[image_with_animation animation=”Fade In” image_url=”” delay=””] [/image_with_animation]

[ultimate-faqs include_category=’special-rules-relay,about-registration,before-the-race,race-day,after-the-race’]

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