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Help Autism

Every child deserves a chance at recovery and every parent deserves a helping hand!

Help Autism Association was founded in 2010, after the personal experience of its founders who fought for their child’s recovery after he was diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorder.

Driven by the people who supported them and by the challenges they had to face, they decided to help other families through their struggle and embraced the mission of raising autism awarness.

For the past six years, Help Autism Association has provided care and support for hundreds of children diagnosed with ASD and their families, while also acting as a pioneer in changing the status of autism in Romania.

Help Autism by the numbers:

  • 7 Help Autism Therapy Centers providing daily therapy for children diagnosed with ASD
  • 385 children supported through specialised recovery programs
  • 80,000 hours of free therapy per year
  • 350 families have been offered counseling and support
  • 1,000 teachers have been trained in order to facilitate autistic children inclusion in the public school system
  • 5 public-private partnerships meant to improve the quality of the services provided by the public system.


The chance to lead a normal life for every child with autism in Romania”

Visit our official website or our Facebook page Help Autism for more information.

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